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Carrier Oils - The Lifeforce of Natural Hair

In the past, the option to go 'Natural' was not a goal for many women. However the need to have hair that is manageable, and look good was. So what was the solution? We started getting perms. A lot was unknown about the long-term effects of adding chemicals to our hair and how much damage was being done to the hair follicle, much less our scalp. But we kept going to the Salons, doing what was thought to be the best thing, next to getting our hair braided or weaved, just to get beautiful locks. But in our quest for beautiful hair, which we have always had, we've always known the importance of using some type of oil in our hair regimen to keep it shiny and add a level of protection. Times have definitely changed for the better.

Today, there is clearly a 'Go Natural Hair' movement that has been going on for quite some time that has changed the opinions of many, including myself, about transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. There's a wealth of information on the internet about ways to transition your hair as well as healing your scalp, which is the foundation of a healthy transition. While going through this phase, there is one aspect that is vital to this process- You must moisturize your hair. Keeping moisture in your hair is the best way to preserve your hair and reduce hair loss. One of the best ways to keep that moisture is to use carrier oils on your hair.

For years, Carrier Oils have been used for many reasons such as for treating ailments as well as for cooking. But to know that using Jojoba Oil as a deep conditioner prior to washing your hair adds shine and promotes hair growth, or that using Tea Tree Oil helps to eliminate dandruff and reduce frizz is an added bonus. A popular Carrier Oil is Shea Butter. Shea Butter is rich in vitamin A and E and adds moisture throughout the hair shaft. One noticeable issue when transitioning from relaxed to natural hair is that relaxed hair is extremely brittle and dry. Using Shea Butter provides the moisture and protection your hair craves to keep it strong, and that's why it's so popular. There are many products out there that use Carrier Oils as we all know, but applying Carrier Oils directly to your hair gives your hair and your scalp a solid start to being healthy and beautiful.

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